Marvin’s osteopathic approach incorporates hands on techniques for treatment, but also provides patients with education, support and valuable tools to integrate within their daily lives in order to improve their function and state of wellbeing.
Therapeutically, Marvin draws on a range of psychological approaches, his own experiences, as well as his desire to understand and support others in order to help others make sense of what is going on for them and things they can do to navigate it.
Outside of osteopathy and psychotherapy, Marvin is a personal trainer and fitness instructor, with an infectious energy, who enjoys seeing clients work hard, but most importantly, thoroughly enjoy themselves during workouts. Undoubtedly, movement not only heals the body, but also the mind. Therefore, Marvin advocates for balance across the physical and mental health and wellbeing spectrum.
Osteopathy is a manual therapy treatment modality which incorporates a number of technical hands on musculoskeletal techniques to facilitate the body's natural healing mechanisms. It is perfect in treating the many bodily aches and pains one encounters in everyday life, as well as assist with stress relief.
Psychotherapy is a talking therapy which incorporates psychological theory and individual experiences to help with emotion identification, understanding, regulation and management. There are a range of psychological approaches and interventions through which this can be facilitated such as CBT.